A Sincere Question, Please Answer


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Has anyones' opinions every been changed by something they read in one of these political forums.

If so, elaborate... If not why keep posting?

The only thing that my opinion has changed on is that I never knew there truly were such ignorant people in the world. I always thought that characters like Archie bunker and other bigots were just myths... This has opened my eyes alot to the mentality of many American people. For this I thank you (know who you are).

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not really. I hardly ever post to political forums, and when I do it's just to mess with somebody's head.

I much prefer talking about work.
Usually I'm mannerly and quite Yankee when I deal with others, and I must admit that I usually don't do political forums - and this one has me so angry I could pummel someone!
Half the morons in here have no clue what war and deprivation are all about - yet they blather on and on like a bunch of schoolkids playing at adult!
I wish I had my hands wrapped around their throats - it would give me so much pleasure to squeeze until.....
Sep 21, 2004
I post to take my mind off work. I have been able to bounce ideas off those who might not agree. There are certain people here who, while I might disagree with them (and at times, these conversations become quite heated), deserve my respect for their tact in expressing such complex views.
So...No. I have never been persuaded, but I have been moved.
Sep 21, 2004
you are either a scrawny waif or a fat, sexually deprived whale. you couldn't kick your own ass. go back to wagering.
"I wish I had my hands wrapped around their throats - it would give me so much pleasure to squeeze until....."

All you have to do is get a "C" in English, Cheerlead in Prep school, have Daddy send you to Yale (ok, Harvard will work too - it is closer to your South Boston government housing), do drugs, evade the war, become an alcoholic, run for Governer, execute the most people in state history, & rig a little electioin.

After that you can "pre-emptively" attack anyone/anywhere/anytime that you want.

Good luck in your quest for World Domination.
Any time! Any place! I will kick your piddling mouth all over the street!
You had better pray I never find out who you are, because I will hospitalize you!
Any time! Any place! I will kick your piddling mouth all over the street!
You had better pray I never find out who you are, because I will hospitalize you!
Lander, the same thing goes for you!
"Any time! Any place! I will kick your piddling mouth all over the street!
You had better pray I never find out who you are, because I will hospitalize you!"

Ok, Mr. "I was in Vietnam". You're the toughest 50-something internet poster around.
Please don't hit me with your walker. Please don't hurt me internet tough guy.
Sep 21, 2004
mr. mr. double double post post.,

Your threat is hilarious. Now pick up your dentures off the floor and go back to watching The Price Is Right.

I will smack your geriatric, prune juice drinking ass back into Saigon.
You thought your acid flashbacks were bad then...just wait.
Sep 21, 2004
to answer your question shameless, even bblight's methods of coercion fail to win me over to his way of thinking.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Shameless Schill,

Yes I have been persuaded to the other side on other issues. One was gun control. Originally I was for gun control, but the more I was in this discussion the more I realized its true the criminals will always have them. All gun control laws do is keep the law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.

As far as this war goes though, we are not looking at 2 equal sides. Sorry war supporters for saying it, but your side just doesnt hold water. The idea that we can attack another country anytime we please for no reason,over the world's protests is just wrong.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good point Danny but I enjoy seeing both sides of an issue, even if I do not agree with them...

Jazz often has some eloquent prose he throws out and if you sort through the double talk and hypocracy there are some good points there. Fat Frank makes me laugh sometimes (If they are Irish Catholics they just have to do some hail Marys). Patriot is anything BUT a patriot and he should not try using such big words... Lander is predictably liberal. Radio Free and Kaya Man seem to be joined at the hip
... Grantt seems to have a deep hatred for the USA and he probably has good reason.

The funny thing is that others may think that if we are questioning (or against) the war or administration that we are unamerican or antiamerican or not patriots. In my mind that is the most patriotic thing you can do is to voice your opinions and concerns...

I want to state that I am 100% for democracy and the America I knew as a child and the America that was founded by the constitution and enhanced by the Bill of Rights. I just don't know what happened to it or where it went or if we can ever get it back... I makes me sad.

I also want to state that if the most vocally left and adamantly right got together at a bar and had a drink you would find that they actually agree on so much more than they ever thought...

I think that all want freedom, justice and democracy but we are programmed from experiences and education to have different ideas of how we can achieve those ideals. I feel for all that are hurting in this war. I fear for my sons and nephews and everyones sons and nephews that may get drafted before this over and face hard choices (like whether to kill or not).

But I feel most of all for those poor starving innocent children having to live in fear only because of the card that fate dealt them on where they were born.

God help us!
"Lander is predictably liberal."

SS, If you don't know then ask, don't assume.
<table cellspacing=0 cellspadding=0 border=1><tr><td>Issue</td><td>Typical Liberal View</td><td>Lander's view</td></tr><tr><td>Gun Control</td><td>Split between "guns kill people & out be illegal" & "guns are traced, and the killer can be traced"</td><td>Guns kill people. If British police do NOT need guns, then American citizens do NOT. I am against the right to own guns.</td></tr><tr><td>Abortion</td><td>Abortion is a woman's right.</td><td>Abortion is murder except in the case of serious health complications,rape & incest.</td></tr><tr><td>Censorship</td><td>Free speech is the basis of democracy.</td><td>Free speech is the basis of democracy.</td></tr><tr><td>Drugs</td><td>Prohibition failed. We should legalize drugs.</td><td>Drugs are very destructive to the world.</td></tr><tr><td>Environment</td><td>Save the trees, prevserve the land.</td><td>Enforce strong regulation, but use the damn oil in Alaska - it has to come from somewhere.</td></tr><tr><td>Equal rights</td><td>Equallity regardless of race, gender, sexuality & religion.</td><td>Equallity regardless of race, gender & religion. I do not hate homosexuals, but I do NOT want my child to see public embracing by homosexuals.</td></tr><tr><td>Military</td><td>A military is necessary, but ONLY to be used defensively.</td><td>A military is necessary, but ONLY to be used defensively.</td></tr><tr><td>Welfare</td><td>Pro-welfare.</td><td>Undecided.</td></tr></table>
That's about it (sorry, if I misgeneralized any of the liberals views). I'm an Independent, not a Liberal.
That has got to be one of the most peaceful cities to live. the criminals abide by that law. WRONG.
I am aware there is a strong argument for the right to bear arms. I fully support the preservation of the Bill of Rights, so I would not be disappointed if any movements for "gun control" ceased.
Just my $.02.

Shoot away - just not at me.

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